Monday, February 29, 2016

The ancient Iranian calendar apparently does not need a leap year, and it’s considered the most accurate calendar so far

The following is an excerpt about ideal leadership from The Gathas (Hymns) by ancient Iranian (Indo-European Avestan-Aryan) reformer and philosopher Zoroaster (2nd millennium BCE):


The wicked shall be overpowered
and Truth conquer the Lie…
In Your Wisdom, O Mazda,
you will assign a distinct place to the man
who, for better or for worse,
follows in word and deed his own inclinations,
desires and beliefs according to his conscience.
Let good rulers rule over us…
Let not wicked rulers rule over us…
Down with Wrath!
Crush cruelty,
you who would maintain, through Truth,
the widespread penetration of the Good Mind
in whose company walks the just man…
Indeed, they will be the Saviours of the Lands
working through the Good Mind
and penetrating deeds in harmony with Truth…
Such men are destined to be the destroyers of Wrath."

[pic source freshfitfabulous:  In Iranian Zoroastrian calendar based on the last Iranian king Yazdgerd III at the time of foreign Arab Muslim invaders of 7th c., March 1, 2016, equates to “Srosh Day, Meher Month”… Srosh or Saoshyant (Savior / Hero) means hearkening or listening to what is said while Meher or Mithra means contract, shaking hands, Truth, love, friendship, the sun god riding a chariot pulled by four sacred horses as messenger from God/Divine to deliver the authority to rule/lead the people often represented as a lion… for educational purposes only]

Saturday, February 27, 2016

“It was from Egypt, Chaldea, and Persia, that the Jews and Greeks derived the principles of their ascetic philosophy, and it was through this philosophy, mainly, that the Church derived those principles of ascetism that led to all the extravagancies of Christian monkery.”

~ statement by Henry Ruffner in his 1850 book entitled “The Fathers of the Desert”… it should be noted that Iranians (Persians) did not promote self-denial as it would stress the body and eventually one’s well-being… the original meaning of “ascetic” meant to train which Iranians advocated…

[pic source stpetersbasilica: St. Anastasius the Persian (early 7th c.) … a statue dating to 1702… no. 60 from the 140 Saints of the Colonnade at St. Peter’s Basilica in the Vatican… for educational purposes only]

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

In an 1822 letter from Thomas Jefferson’s granddaughter Ellen Randolph to her brother-in-law Nicholas Trist, one reads:

“It is just a year to day; my dear Nicholas since we left Monticello together, you, anticipating a long fatiguing journey, I, a short and pleasant one (in your society in spite of bad weather and roads) and a winter of gaiety & amusement—Time as he bears us along with him frequently appears to have a slow and heavy flight wing, but when we look back to the space over which he has hurried us, we are astonished and even dismayed at the rapidity of his flight. every year lessens our enjoyments for every year diminishes the force and elasticity of that spring of hope, which after all I believe is the great good of life—happiness is the golden ball of the Persian Tale always rolling before us, which we are destined never to overtake; but wo to him or to her who loses sight of it. the object of existence is gone,—“ 

… compared to how inspiring Iran (Persia) was to others, how far has foreign Islamism thrown down the ancient and mystical nation of Iran (Persia) since its re-invasion in 1979… it is time for a patriotic hero (lion) to stand up… it is time!!!

[pic source iranpoliticsclub:  The mid to late 18th c. Iran was ruled by a patriotic Zand dynasty… since antiquity, Iranians are known as the children of the lion-n-sun... for educational purposes only]

Sunday, February 21, 2016


Given the American Movement of 2016, the following excerpts from an 1889 article by Lewis James in “The Westminster Review” on Scottish historian Thomas Carlyle and 19th century America are of interest:

“’Do right!  Get yourselves wise and strong masters and rulers.’  This is [Carlyle’s] panacea for social and industrial evils.  He fails to see, however, that only by becoming themselves relatively wiser and stronger can the people have either the will or the purpose to get themselves wise rulers….  This seems to us as true of monarchies as of republics.  No great, wise, and noble monarch ever reigned long over a besotted and ignorant people; nor will any intelligent, liberty-loving people indefinitely tolerate the rule of a tyrant.”

James goes on:

“Seeing that neither the [political] ‘boss’ nor the [party] ‘caucus’ inclines to rule any more justly than a selfish regard for continuance in power renders necessary, we may confidently prophesy that sensible and intelligent communities will in due time assert their ability and intention to get along without ‘boss’ or ‘caucus,’ as readily as they now manage to dispense with autocratic rulers.  Meanwhile, the wise and independent voter, not waiting for the slow movement of the majority, will proclaim at once his own emancipation from party dictation, and thus help by his counsel and example to liberate the majority.”

Amazing… given the current rising unity across America in breaking away from Mainstream’s desire to keep the people stuck in bipartisan mentality….

“All government rests on intelligence and morality” and education seems to be the key in producing “a high average of moral and intellectual ability” to protect republican institutions… “the causes of the decay of nations are to be sought in the characters and habits of individual men, rather than in the physical conditions of their environment….  The descendants of the Aryan tribes who peopled Europe manifest widely different characteristics from their Asiatic cousins in Persia and India.”  Carlyle was a pioneer in tracing “the ancestors of the Teutonic [Germanic] people to the shores of the Black Sea, and discovered in their language” their Asiatic origin long before it was widely accepted by scholars….

So, according to James, what lesson may America learn from Carlyle?  

Carlyle states that “Aristocracy of Feudal Parliament has passed away … [to] Aristocracy of the Money-bag….  An infinitely baser, the basest yet known [Aristocracy]…like Anarchy itself, it cannot continue…the beginning of all Thought worthy the name is Love; and the wise head never yet was without, first, the generous heart…The Heavens cease not their bounty; they send us generous hearts into every generation.  And, now, what generous heart can pretend to itself, or be hoodwinked into believing, that Loyalty to the Money-bag is a noble Loyalty?....  Know this also, that out of a world of Unwise nothing but Unwisdom can come.  Arrange it, Constitution—build it, sift it through ballot-boxes as thou wilt, it is and remains an Unwisdom…Who can bring a wise thing out of men unwise?  Not one.”

[pic source Gutenberg:  An image of a relief from 6th c. BCE spiritual city of Persepolis in Iran… Ancient Iranians called heroes, those who are sent with a big heart to reset a destructive situation, Saoshyants… it seems that Carlyle was of similar views given his extensive knowledge of history…for educational purposes only]

Thursday, February 18, 2016

“Persia is dead.  Its death-certificate is the Anglo-Persian Treaty announced by the British Government on August 15, 1919.  This treaty completes, for the exclusive benefit of Great Britain, that systematic destruction of Persian sovereignty initiated by the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907….  There was only one hindrance to the Anglo-Russian project: the Persian people had awakened to their country’s peril and had just started a vigorous house-cleaning.  The decrepitude of Persia was admittedly extreme.  Under the baneful rule of the Khadjar [Qajar] shahs, a dynasty not of Persian, but of Turkoman, origin, Persia had sunk into a slough of misgovernment and bankruptcy.  But the age-long history of Persia is a series of just such evil foreign dominations followed by surprising revivals of national vitality.”

~ excerpt from Lothrop Stoddard in an article published in 1919 by “The Century Magazine” where Stoddard concludes that Persia’s death is “at the hands of persons officially residing at Downing Street, London, England”…

…interesting indeed… so we get foreign-born leaders speaking the language of that nation giving away the wealth and sovereignty of that nation to others by making BAD DEALS!!!

…This may explain why some of the descendants of the “baneful” Qajar rulers (see women under foreign Qajar dynasty
1789-1925, who brought ruin and misery to Iran until 1925 when Reza Shah the Great Pahlavi stood up and said enough is enough (see women under patriotic Pahlavi rule 1925-1979, have influential jobs in various European institutions in spreading propaganda against Reza Shah and the Pahlavi dynasty’s patriotic deeds to save Iran …this also explains why in 1979 the Democrat Carter Administration in America supported the rise of foreign leadership and ideology in Iran known as Islamism (see women under foreign Islamic Republic TODAY …

…as discussed in many previous postings here, America and Iran have a lot in common… Iranians know they have to clean house again by throwing out the foreign Islamists… as for America, perhaps Donald Trump should look into foreign role in bad deals that have put the U.S. under major debt, de-industrialization, and potential loss of sovereignty … this may explain why the Establishment has been backing presidential candidates with questionable eligibility under the U.S. Constitution… 

…note from historical records that house-cleaning is in order during such dreadful situations… many Americans are waiting to start that process soon…

[pic source photobucket:  Reza Shah the Great, a patriotic Iranian king to the rescue … it’s time for another Reza Shah to rise again in Iran… for educational purposes only]

Saturday, February 13, 2016

Robert Wright notes in his 2005 publication on the subject matter that in addition to its role in the birth of America and its Constitution, Philadelphia was also the birthplace to American finance… Chestnut Street in Philadelphia was America’s “First Wall Street” before the center of finance shifted to New York by the late 1820’s…

In his 1884 book about the history of Philadelphia, J. Thomas Scharf writes that as early as 1750, at the corner of Front and Chestnut streets in Philadelphia there was a tavern named “Kouli Khan”…

Scharf notes that the tavern was named after “Thamas Kouli Khan [] a Persian partisan of great valor, who drove away the Afghans from his country, and defeated the Turkish invaders. His prowess was rewarded by the crown of Persia. The fame of the victorious patriot and monarch became world-wide...”

… a tavern in the midst of the who’s who of early America… Kouli Khan is of course the famous Nader Shah of Iran (1688-1747)… it’s time for another Iranian Nader Shah to rise and take back Iran with support from its people…

[pic source University of California at Santa Barbara, Department of English:  “Downtown Philadelphia, circa 1760 (Delaware river is due East on this map)”… for educational purposes only]