According to a 2015 article by Ivan
Dikov published by "Archaeology in Bulgaria," renowned Bulgarian historians want
to set historical records straight based on recent findings and as a response
to politically-based, inaccurate Mainstream narratives.
Among the list of making “right the
wrongs" in textbooks, these Bulgarian historians want the
Bulgarian Ministry of Education to:
(1) Teach “about the Ancient Iranian World, i.e.
Persia, because the Ancient Bulgars
appear to have originated from it”…
(2) Teach the following about the origin of the Ancient Bulgars:
...“the theory about the Turkic (Mongol) origin of the Ancient Bulgars
has been largely discredited since the
fall of the communist regime. Taking advantage of the newly established academic freedom, a
number of Bulgarian historians and
archaeologists have formulated and explored the theory about the Iranian (Sarmatian, Scythian), i.e. Aryan origin of
the Bulgars”…
And that “today’s Bulgarian
society has adopted a more balanced approach to the issue, with the theories stipulating the Iranian (Aryan)
origin of the Ancient Bulgars (with or without Turkic influences) appearing to
dominate the public discourse.”
[pic NASA/Wikipedia @ Archaeology in
Bulgaria: “The region north of the Caucasus
Mountain was where the Ancient Bulgars established Bulgaria (the First
Bulgarian Empire) in 165 AD, according to recent findings in Ancient Armenian
sources, a hypothesis confirmed by the manuscript called Nominalia of the
Bulgarian Khans”…for educational purposes only]