Sunday, May 6, 2018


“Giuliani’s MEK Pandering and Trump’s Iran Obsession” (March 5, 2018)

Dear President Trump,

In 1979, Islamism was installed in Iran to further the Globalist agenda—the agenda that you campaigned against and won… historically, culturally, politically, and socially, Islamism is anti-Iranian… therefore, it is with grave concern and a heavy heart that we hope you do not support a regime change in Iran that involves an Islamo-Marxist cult, known as the MKO, MEK, or PMOI… given Iran's historical contributions to setting up and managing a government, please support an "Iranian" alternative chosen by the Iranian people for the Iranian people...

It is troubling to see that Rudy Giuliani—and others such as some NeoCons (“Never Trump” faction of the Republican wing)—continue to push MEK’s agenda as a replacement for the vile and anti-Iranian regime in Tehran… what has become clear in recent years is that many NeoCons of Republican party work with the NeoLibs of Democrat party as a “uniparty” (military industrial complex) to further perpetual, never-ending, never-winning conflicts and wars through Marxism/Islamism to the detriment of the American people and other nations… my 2017 doctoral dissertation ( showing how college textbooks omit Iran and Iranians from history is but a small glimpse at the methods used by the military industrial complex to achieve their globalist agenda... it's an oxymoron to be sympathetic and supportive to the history and culture of Iran and Iranians while advocating a group such as MKO/MEK/PMOI for their freedom from the current Islamism and Islamic Constitution...

Please see my 2011 article on the subject matter … “The People’s Mojahedin of Iran is not who the Iranian people have been waiting for” (March 1, 2011)

Oh Lord of Wisdom, we stand with Light to defeat Darkness!