Thursday, June 1, 2017

University of Cambridge recently reported that a new “study found that modern Egyptians share more ancestry with sub-Saharan Africans than ancient Egyptians did, whereas ancient Egyptians were found to be most closely related to ancient people from the Middle East and Western Asia.”

This is interesting given how historians credit ancient Egypt with influences on the West even though there are similarities or relations between ancient Egyptian ruling parties and people of Indo-Iranian stock… 

For ex., Egyptian pharaoh Akhenaten (14th c. BCE) is at times credited with origins of monotheism (sun disc worship) while the origins of his beautiful wife Nefertiti as well as another wife Kiya are omitted… Both Nefertiti and Kiya were of Mitanni origins (Indo-Iranian)…

The name Kiya relates to Iranian word Kiyan meaning king…additionally, the title Kiyan for the ruler was also used by the West Asiatic invaders, the Hyksos, when formed the 15th Dynasty of Egypt in 17-16 c. BCE… 

It is widely claimed by experts that the Hyksos were probably a Semitic people… however, the Hyksos introduced Indo-European (the large linguistic family that includes Indo-Iranians or the Aryans) technologies into Egypt (such as composite bow and horse-n-chariot with revolutionary implications) … it may be that among the Hyksos invaders there were Semitic peoples but that the ruling class were of Indo-Iranian origins… this pattern was certainly seen elsewhere... 

[pic New Yorker: for educational purposes only]

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