Saturday, September 30, 2017

After the 1238 Mongolian invasion of Alania (ancestors of modern Ossetians) in Northern Caucasus, some 30,000 Iranian Alans—renowned warriors—were incorporated into the Mongolian army as elite troops for the Great Khan.  

These Iranian Alanic knights were also part of the Mongolian faction known as the Tartars or the Golden Horde (the faction that controlled medieval Russia).  For these services, Alans may have been rewarded with hereditary grants of land in Moldavia (modern day Iasi in Romania derives its name from Alans).  

Alans fought as a single trained group under their own leadership.  Such Alanic fighting units even served the Byzantine Empire (the Eastern Roman Empire).  Alans were Christians and resented serving Islamized Mongolians or unbelievers.   

During the Comnenian era Byzantine (11th-12th c.), frequent marriage alliances took place between Byzantine noblemen and Alanic princesses.  When the newly-established Turks in Anatolia began to cause problems for Byzantine Empire, the Alans at the borders of Bulgaria offered their help.  The Byzantine Empire sent supplies to ensure that Alans had a safe passage so they could enter their military services.

~ source “Journal of Medieval Military History” (2013) by Clifford Rogers et al.

[pic Wikipedia: Here is map of Iranian Alanic territory in ancient Spain as we follow the current affairs in Spain, let's recall that Catalonia is "Goth-Alania"… for educational purposes only]

Thursday, September 21, 2017

In an article with 3 pages of references about Indo-Iranian god Mithra—later adopted by Romans as Mithraism which was a major competitor to early Christianity and elements of which were eventually incorporated into Christianity—Manel Sanchez wrote:

From the Age of Antiquity, attire was a key symbol in differentiating people…a typical “Oriental” outfit was the Iranian garment:

* a long & fluttering patterned pants made of cloth or leather with geometric designs (“sara-vara” in Old Persian adopted in Latin as “sarabara”),

* a tunic,

* a long cape (Old Persian “gaunaka” from Iranian Avestan “gaona” which means color or red), and

* “one of the most characteristic articles of Iranian dress,” a so-called Phrygian cap or Persian cap called “kurpasa” in Old Persian (later known as Freedom cap as incorporated in modern Western symbolism seen here worn by “a good-looking youth with long hair”…

As stated in earlier postings, Iranian Parthian embassy to Rome, for ex., purposely included good looking individuals…hence, to the Roman psyche, Iranians were “hot”…YES, the ancestors practiced seduction to for the art of the deal…

Sanchez noted that 5th c. Roman grammarian Lactantius Placidus claimed Iranians were first to worship the Sun in caves “in Persian dress with a tiara”… note “tiara” is an Iranian word itself…

Sanchez marveled at how Romans adopted a “cult of Iranian origin such as Mithraism…while retaining the Iranian garments of the god and his assistants”…

…we may marvel at how little did the ancient Romans know that 21st c. Mainstream Fake Education, claiming Greco-Roman heritage, would erase Iranian aspects of Western Civilization…

[pic tertullian: Indo-Iranian Sun god, Mithra, adopted by the Romans… Roman white marble statue by sculptor V. Pacetti now at the Vatican...for educational purposes only]

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The image here is from Univ. of Chicago professor William McNeill’s 828-page book on Western Civilization (1991) in which he noted on the copyright page, “I seek to understand...” 

Prof. McNeill wrote that Iranians were a “model first for Byzantium and through Byzantium for remote western Europe, where aristocratic armored cavalry became the basis of local self-defense a full thousand years after the development of a similar system in Iran.”

…we can see from his drawing here that Iranian Parthian Empire (247 BCE-224 CE) played a major role in this military transmission…

Prof. McNeill pointed out that the Roman conversion to Iranian-style large-scale cavalry began in 4th century CE after Constantine the Great’s time…further, “Persian influence on the Byzantine state was not confined to the sphere of military technology. From the time of Diocletian (284-305), the rulers of the Roman empire deliberately copied aspects of Persian courtly ritual and sovereign splendor.”

…Mainstream Fake Education does not convey this relationship between Asiatic Iranians (recall, Iranians are both European and Asiatic) and Europeans in the so-called college history textbooks that I surveyed… but mostly tend to falsely promote, appease, or justify today’s anti-Iranian Islamo-Marxists in Tehran as representatives of Iran’s historical identity, presence, and achievements…

…glorification and legitimization of Islamism (Islamic theocracy) is mutually incompatible to Iranian-based governance…

[pic W. H. McNeill: for educational purposes only]

Saturday, September 16, 2017

According to a 1906 review published in “The Monist,” an anticipated book by Oxford Univ. professor Lawrence Mills contained his life-long study of Zoroastrianism and Iranian languages. The book was to shed light on the influences of Zoroastrianism on Christianity and, with extensive details, map out “the important part which Zoroastrianism has played in the development of Western thought”…   

In said anticipated 1906 publication entitled “Zarathuštra, Philo, the Achaemenids and Israel,” Prof. Mills wrote:

“No subject in the range of ancient oriental literature should be considered more important of its kind than” the Iranian sacred text known as the Avesta. “The Avesta in no sense depends upon the Jewish Greeks. On the contrary, it was Philo who was in debt to it. He drank in His Iranian lore from the pages of his exilic Bible, or from the Bible-books which were then as yet detached, and which not only recorded Iranian edicts by Persian Kings, but were themselves half made up of Jewish-Persian history…. The Religion of those Persians, which saved our own from an absorption (in the Babylonian), is portrayed in full and brilliant colours in the Books of the Avesta, because the Avesta is only the expansion of the Religion of the sculptured edicts as modified…. Before the Exile the Jewish creed was very dim indeed as to Resurrection, Immortality, forensic Judgment, and all we hold most dear…. The Irano-Vedic lore developed in Iran the first definite form of our own ideas as to the future state, according to the obvious data in the case…. I have asserted with suggested reasons that Philo must have felt indirectly a Babylonian-Persian influence with the conclusion that any similarities supposed to exist between his writings and the Zarathushtrian system must have been owning to ideas which made their way from that system, or from a congeries of closely connected systems of which Zarathushtrianism was a prominent unit…”

…as my dissertation showed and as discussed here over the years, Mainstream educational materials (FAKE EDUCATION) does not teach this at all… today's Western students know nothing about Iranians, Zoroastrianism, or their own civilization for that matter… hence, the destruction of American history has begun… nothing less is expected from a Western society that faces college administrators who question the validity and necessity of teaching American History or Western Civ history...

…I am unaware of college administrators having spoken en masse about the attacks on American national historical monuments (similar to what was seen by Islamic fanatics in Afghanistan and Iraq) or their emergency review of curriculum or re-visiting teacher competency that has led to this very serious national threat with unfortunate consequences… but I welcome links to any such movement by educational leadership…

[pic slidesharecdn:  educational purposes only]