Thursday, February 18, 2016

“Persia is dead.  Its death-certificate is the Anglo-Persian Treaty announced by the British Government on August 15, 1919.  This treaty completes, for the exclusive benefit of Great Britain, that systematic destruction of Persian sovereignty initiated by the Anglo-Russian Convention of 1907….  There was only one hindrance to the Anglo-Russian project: the Persian people had awakened to their country’s peril and had just started a vigorous house-cleaning.  The decrepitude of Persia was admittedly extreme.  Under the baneful rule of the Khadjar [Qajar] shahs, a dynasty not of Persian, but of Turkoman, origin, Persia had sunk into a slough of misgovernment and bankruptcy.  But the age-long history of Persia is a series of just such evil foreign dominations followed by surprising revivals of national vitality.”

~ excerpt from Lothrop Stoddard in an article published in 1919 by “The Century Magazine” where Stoddard concludes that Persia’s death is “at the hands of persons officially residing at Downing Street, London, England”…

…interesting indeed… so we get foreign-born leaders speaking the language of that nation giving away the wealth and sovereignty of that nation to others by making BAD DEALS!!!

…This may explain why some of the descendants of the “baneful” Qajar rulers (see women under foreign Qajar dynasty
1789-1925, who brought ruin and misery to Iran until 1925 when Reza Shah the Great Pahlavi stood up and said enough is enough (see women under patriotic Pahlavi rule 1925-1979, have influential jobs in various European institutions in spreading propaganda against Reza Shah and the Pahlavi dynasty’s patriotic deeds to save Iran …this also explains why in 1979 the Democrat Carter Administration in America supported the rise of foreign leadership and ideology in Iran known as Islamism (see women under foreign Islamic Republic TODAY …

…as discussed in many previous postings here, America and Iran have a lot in common… Iranians know they have to clean house again by throwing out the foreign Islamists… as for America, perhaps Donald Trump should look into foreign role in bad deals that have put the U.S. under major debt, de-industrialization, and potential loss of sovereignty … this may explain why the Establishment has been backing presidential candidates with questionable eligibility under the U.S. Constitution… 

…note from historical records that house-cleaning is in order during such dreadful situations… many Americans are waiting to start that process soon…

[pic source photobucket:  Reza Shah the Great, a patriotic Iranian king to the rescue … it’s time for another Reza Shah to rise again in Iran… for educational purposes only]

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